What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about us at Fressi? Share your experience and thoughts with others. We appreciate and go through each and every feedback and review, be it overwhelmingly positive or constructive!
Rate us on Google and/or Facebook – we made it easy for you: just click on the links below to rate one and all of the Fressi clubs you visit.
We highly appreciate your effort. Thank you so much!
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Espoo, Espoonlahti
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Espoo, Leppävaara
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Helsinki, Clubhouse (Vuosaari)
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Helsinki, Kamppi
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Kuopio, Kauppakatu
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Kuopio, Lippumäki
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Mikkeli
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Tampere, Syke
Fressi hyvinvointikeskus Vantaa, Myyrmäki
Fressi 24h Espoo, Koskelo
Fressi 24h Espoo, Leppävaara (Panorama Tower)
Fressi 24h Espoo, Matinkylä-Olari
Fressi 24h Espoo, Muurala
Fressi 24h Espoo, Niittykumpu
Fressi 24h Espoo, Suomenoja
Fressi 24h Espoo, Tapiola
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Arabia
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Arabia 135
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Esplanadi
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Herttoniemi
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Jätkäsaari
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Kruunuvuorenranta
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Lauttasaari
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Myllypuro
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Töölö-Meilahti
Fressi 24h Helsinki, Urheilukatu
Fressi 24h Iisalmi
Fressi 24h Joensuu
Fressi 24h Jyväskylä, Kuokkala
Fressi 24h Kaarina
Fressi 24h Kangasala, Lentola
Fressi 24h Kirkkonummi
Fressi 24h Kuopio, Savilahti
Fressi 24h Kuopio, Ykkösrasti
Fressi 24h Lahti, Ankkuri
Fressi 24h Lahti, Laune
Fressi 24h Lahti, Vapaudenkatu
Fressi 24h Levi
Fressi 24h Loviisa
Fressi 24h Mikkeli, Graani
Fressi 24h Nokia
Fressi 24h Oulu, Heikinkatu
Fressi 24h Oulu, Linnanmaa
Fressi 24h Oulu, Ritaharju
Fressi 24h Pirkkala
Fressi 24h Pori
Fressi 24h Rauma
Fressi 24h Rovaniemi
Fressi 24h Seinäjoki, Hyllykallio
Fressi 24h Seinäjoki, Varastotie
Fressi 24h Siilinjärvi
Fressi 24h Tampere, Hervanta
Fressi 24h Tampere, Kaukajärvi
Fressi 24h Tampere, Verkatehtaankatu
Fressi 24h Turku, Hirvensalo
Fressi 24h Vantaa, Porttipuisto
Fressi 24h Vantaa, Tammisto
Fressi 24h Vantaa, Tikkurila
Fressi 24h Ylöjärvi
Fressi 24h Ylöjärvi, Ateena

Tips for writing reviews:
- Be informative and insightful: Be specific and relevant to the place you’re reviewing, and describe what other visitors are likely to experience. Highlight what makes the place special, and try to share something novel and new.
- Keep it real: Be authentic. Review your own experience, and explain why you liked or disliked the place. Try to be as accurate as possible, and include both the positive and negative aspects of your visit.
- Be respectful: Not every experience with a place is going to be perfect. Sometimes you’ll want to share negative feedback. Even if you’re frustrated, make sure your criticism is constructive. Business owners often use feedback to improve their offerings.
- Reviews not General Commentary: While we respect and value your opinion, Local Reviews are not meant for social or political commentary.
- Write with style: People will pay attention when you write thoughtful reviews. Keep them readable and avoid excessive capitalization or punctuation. Use good grammar, check your spelling, and avoid profanity. Choose the right length – a paragraph is great. Be creative and have fun!
Source: Google.com